Complete Walkthroughs and Guides for LEGO Lord of the Rings game on Xbox 360PS3PCWii3DSNDSPS Vita.
We have guides for all levels in each movie:
The Fellowship of the Ring
1. The Black Rider
2. Weathertop
3. The Pass of Caradhras
4. The Mines of Moria
5. Amon Hen
The Two Towers
1. Taming Gollum
2. The Dead Marshes
3. Track Hobbits
4. Warg Attack
5. Helm\\\'s Deep
6. Osgiliath
The Return of the King
1. The Secret Stairs
2. Cirith Ungol
3. The Paths of the Dead
4. The Battle for Pelennor Fields
5. The Black Gate
6. Mount Doom
Character and achievement guides.
Full cut scenes compiled together so you can watch them all as a mini movie.